Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The letter to the head of Department of O&G HKL

Dear boss,

It is my greatest honour to join O&G department of HKL. Many things that I didn't do or didn't know, now I have the chance to learn and perform it, eg: vaginal examinations, Pap smear, endometrial sampling, episiotomy etc. My only regret will be not being able to perform a Caesarean section or evacuation of retained product of conception (ERPOC).

Actually this is an enjoyable and exciting posting, we get to go through 4 different "sub-postings" ie labour room, PAC/Clinic, Obstetric ward and Gynaecology ward before ending the posting, therefore maximising our learning opportunities. Besides there were too many on-calls and tiredness, I really enjoyed the learning here.

My some constrctive criticisms about the psoting:

1. Blue scrub clothes are not allowed to be wore outside labour room and operating theatre (OT).

- although I understand this is a hospital policy, but I don't understand why we can't wear the blue scrub outside the labour room and operating theatre, to me as long as we keep it clean and change it whenever we enter OT, I think it shouldn't be a problem.

-blue scrub is a comfortable outfit when we are doing oncalls, so that we can avoid wearing white coat and become less heaty. I hope this can be allowed in wards or PAC during oncalls.

2. very senior staff nurses in labour room order us to work as if they are the boss.

- I don't mind if they are reasonable in doing so, but they order us to send some investigations which are not necessary (thus wasting money and time). eg: RBS and RP in patient tocolysed with nifedipien and contracting 1:10, I think it would only be appopriate if we KIV to convert to Bricanyl tocolysis.

3. the MO like to humiliate HO.

- some unfriendly MO like to scold houseman for small little matters eg: patient's name not written in capital letter in the consent form, the consent form is not completed (in areas of surgery's risks, benefits and by right the MO should fill up themselves.

- everybody is learning from the mistakes, and the problem should be solved by teaching but not by humiliating people, I wonder if the MO was so superb that he/she never done any mistakes or he/she was so knowledgable when he/she was a houseman.

- I think if the condition keep going on, I am scared if 1 day this particular houseman is on called with a particular MO he/she scared of, he/she wouldn't feel like to consult the MO because scared of being humiliated, and the housmean will make the decision him/herself in case of problems arised.

- although Dr. Noor Haliza (consultant) is well-known for scolding, I loved her scolding actually, because she scolded for reasons and she will teach after the scolding intended to impove us. I think myself improved a lot from her.

4. useless postnatal review in K5 and KK8 ( paeds ward)

- there is no proper documentation for mothers in K5 and KK8 for us to review.

- if the mother is just discharged from maternity wards and the baby is under paediatric, I think the mother's BHT should be in the paeds wardto review so that we know what are the antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal problems, to continue the care for 1 to 2 weeks postnatal.

- it is very difficult to trace back the old notes for mothers whose babbies get admitted few days after birth, the documentation for this group of mothers is very poor because no speicalfolder for them. (what more if the mother delievred at other hospitals??)

- to me, the mother can always come back to PAC/A&E if they have any problems after discharged.

After all these long winded complaints, I still got to leave O&G posting, I really want to thank the staffs in clinics/PAC/ward 3B/Gynae ward for being helpful and respecting us. The oncall foods are not too bad, I just hope that we can have an oncall pantry in the future so that we can go the have tea/bread/Milo whenever because we tend to skip meals especially working in clinics, labour room and PAC.

Thank you boss for reading my letter, really appreciate it. Hope my humble opinions can make some little changes in the future, not for myself or other houseman, I think it is better for the delivery of the health care.

Yours sincerely,

a leaving houseman


I hoped i have convinced him, not confused him! ahha!!


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