Friday, June 15, 2012

A transition through time

my right hand: Raynaud's phenomenon?

What happened to my hand? Raynaud's phenomenon? Peripheral cyanosis? I am not a smoker nor second hand smoker, no chance to get Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), never had any congenital heart diseases, never had history of asthma....

No, no, it was the blue ink stained my fingers when I used the brand new cartridge pen for the first ever time, when I was a houseman working in Surgical Department of HKL. Being a houseman there we had to do patients' reviews three times in a day, meaning that the ink in our pen will finish up very fast. Too many pen that I bought were used up very fast, ended up that I had to use this cartridge pen which was a door gift by a sales representative during a seminar. Because of not familiar how to function the pen, I had stains on my fingers, aiks.....

Times flies, after Medical, Paediatrics, Obstetric and Gynaecology, Orthopaedics, Emergency Medicine and General Surgery, thankfully I was able to finish all these postings as a houseman in the shortest given time, which was 2 years. Now that I am a Medical Officer, currently waiting to be posted out of Kuala Lumpur or Klang Valley, which is good, because I have already feeling bored with this city, enough with the egoism of the patients and bosses.

The sunrise on my daily route to HKL, stopped by to appreciate and snapped this. As a medical officer, I tend to wake up late and I only need to reach hospital by 8am (used to be 7am as a houseman), so truly happy for being able to see this kind of rising "egg-yolk" sun at this hour.

As a consequence, I was stucked in this traffic jam along the exit of Sprint Highway to Jalan Duta, not too long the jam, just taken up my 5 minutes. Still managed to snap this photo and enjoyed the sun, yet not being late to the clinic.

There is an end to everything, so does the place that I have worked in for 2 years, and the route taken everyday. All the sorrows, hard time, fun time, escaping time, sleeping time, sharing time will be deeply remembered and become a boost for me to carry on.

I will be back, KL,when I feel bored towards another city.

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