Monday, March 29, 2010

My final MBBS long case

I just finished my long case of my Final MBBS examination today, the toughest test among all the papers in this examination I would say. Long case is a test where the candidates are given 1 hour to clerk and examine the patient and do whatever necessary to come out with diagnosis and treatment plan for the patient.

HAPPY because I got quite a simple case, SAD because I fooled myself and I was so regret.

I got a paediatric bronchial asthma case, everything in the history was fine until I realized I forgot to ask simple but important pieces of information: the patient's school performance and his father's smoking status. These factors were important to assess the outcome of bronchial asthma to the patient's daily living and also factors that may trigger the asthma. When the professor asked me about this 2 questions, to make sure that I was not screwed because of my forgetfulness, I lied to her saying the answer that I presumed, as I thought she would not have the information from the short case notes she got. However, she turned to me asking "did u really ask?" I stunted, I knew I should no longer struggle with the answer that I presumed and I just kept quiet... She replied with "so you didn't ask, never mind..." and the discussion continued. Luckily, she seemed not to be disturbed to the lie I made.

I still remember 1 of the many reasons I chose this career. During the break after matriculation and before entering university, that was 2005, I worked part-time as a promoter of massage equipments at one of the famous shopping center in Bukit Bintang, Low Yat Plaza! My working experience was, I had to tell many lies and exaggerated the good points my products in order to push the sell so that I could earn more commission. I felt so annoyed towards the end as I felt I was cheating people to buy my products, and I think the same also goes to businessmen, as witnessed from many dramas. Therefore, I need a job which I only need to tell the truth, and I just thought of doctor.

When dealing with lives, we cannot lie, we can only tell the truth to the patient, "you just have 6 months time left", "sorry I don't how to treat your problem but I will refer you to the other specialist..." In my 5 years time as a medical student, I did not lie to my patients and my lecturers, however today, during my final MBBS examination, I lied because I was so stupid that I thought I could be escaped from being bombarded without thinking of the consequences.

I was so regret, I confessed in front of Buddha that I will not lie anymore in my career, because I am going to be a safe doctor, dealing with lives.

"So what is his school's performance?"

Friday, March 26, 2010



在我”细佬“的facebook里看到这个连接,是周杰伦的《最后的战役》,那时是考试前的那几天,大家都被三个星期的study week折磨到身心疲累了!这首歌,激起了大家的战斗心!一心一意要把这场考试干掉!!大家一起来当医生吧!!


作曲:周杰倫,  編曲:鍾興民
監製:周杰倫, 填詞:方文山
卻就連 禱告手都舉不好

而眼淚 一直都忘記要掉

嘲笑的聲音在風中不斷被練習 這樹林間充滿了敵意
部隊棄守陣地你堅持要我也離去 我怎麼能放棄

我留著陪你 強忍著淚滴 有些事真的來不及 回不去
你臉在抽搐 就快沒力氣 家鄉事不准我再提
我留著陪你 最後的距離 是你的側臉 倒在我的懷裡
你慢慢睡去 我搖不醒你 淚水在戰壕裡 決了堤

这首歌说的是朋友之间的情谊,对朋友的不离不弃,一起为同一个目标前进。越靠近毕业的时候,就会越来越有一种要分离,伤心的感觉。其实只要想一想,就算今后我们毕业当了医生,被派到不同的医院工作,我们还是会有机会在一起,一起去上进修课程(continuous medical education),一起去这同学的婚礼,一起去旅行,一起回来考Master。。。所以,不要以为我们的友情会随着这次毕业而结束,而我的祝福,也会一直围绕着你。所以,这个考试绝对不会是我们最后的战役,我们的结局,也不会像歌词中那么悲惨。。。



Friday, March 12, 2010






听 这些动人的音符
看 那是我们在歌唱
年轻人 不用再隐藏
用你的歌声 一起歌颂佛法

唱 出我们心中喜悦
跳 出快乐动感舞步
一起来 加入我们吧!
生命 因佛法而充满光彩

都阻挡不了 我们心中的呐喊

这佛法创造 我们大家 美好的将来






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